Understanding the Difference Between test, [, and [[ in Bash

When writing Bash scripts, you'll often encounter different constructs used for evaluating expressions: test, [, and [[.
Understanding the Difference Between test, [, and [[ in Bash

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When writing Bash scripts, you'll often encounter different constructs used for evaluating expressions: test, [, and [[. These might seem interchangeable at first glance, but they each have their own specific use cases, capabilities, and limitations. Understanding these differences is essential for writing clean, efficient, and portable scripts.

The Basics: test and [

The test command and the [ command are almost identical in functionality. They both evaluate expressions and return a status code that indicates the result of the test—zero if the condition is true, and one if it is false.

[ is a synonym for test but with an added requirement: it needs a closing ]. This is why you often see it used like:

[ expression ]

test is a POSIX standard utility, which means it is universally available in Unix-like operating systems. The syntax for test is:

test expression

Since [ is just a synonym for test, it shares the same limitations and functionality. The [ command is a part of the shell itself, meaning it's usually implemented as a shell builtin. Despite this, there often exists an external executable named /bin/[, primarily for POSIX compliance.

Let’s take look at an example:

test -f "/etc/passwd" && echo "File exists"
[ -f "/etc/passwd" ] && echo "File exists"

In both cases, the expression checks if the file /etc/passwd exists and is a regular file.

[[ - The Bash Enhancement

The [[ construct is a Bash-specific feature (also found in some other modern shells like Zsh and KornShell) that provides a more powerful and flexible way to perform conditional tests. Unlike [ and test, [[ is not a command but a shell keyword. This distinction allows [[ to introduce special parsing rules that make it easier to use and less error-prone.

Key Features of [[:

  • No need for extensive quoting: [[ doesn't perform word splitting or pathname expansion on its arguments. This means that variables containing spaces or special characters don't need to be quoted as they would in [ or test.
  • Enhanced Operators: [[ supports additional operators such as && and || for logical AND and OR, < and > for string comparisons, and the =~ operator for regular expression matching.
  • Pattern Matching: [[ supports pattern matching, which allows you to use wildcard characters like ``, ?, and [] directly within the expression.
  • Error Handling: Syntax errors in [[ constructs are caught during the parsing stage, which can prevent unintended behavior if an invalid expression is used.

Here are some examples of using the [[ syntax:

# String comparison with [[
if [[ "$a" > "$b" ]]; then
  echo "$a comes after $b"

# Regular expression matching with [[
if [[ "$input" =~ ^[a-zA-Z]+$ ]]; then
  echo "Input contains only letters"

# Logical operations with [[
if [[ -f "$file" && -r "$file" ]]; then
  echo "File exists and is readable"

These features make [[ the preferred choice in Bash scripting for readability and functionality, especially when working with complex conditional expressions.

When to Use Which?

  • Portability: If your script needs to be portable across different Unix-like systems that might not have Bash installed, stick with [ or test. These are guaranteed to work in any POSIX-compliant environment.
  • Flexibility and Ease of Use: If you're writing scripts specifically for Bash or a shell that supports [[, then using [[ is generally the better choice. It allows for clearer, more concise code with fewer pitfalls related to quoting and syntax.
  • Avoid Legacy Syntax: While test and [ are still widely used, consider transitioning to [[ ]] for Bash scripts unless you need strict POSIX compliance.

A Practical Comparison:

Consider the following two code snippets that perform the same logic but use different constructs:

Using [:

if [ -d "$dir" ] && [ -n "$(grep "search_string" "$file")" ]; then
  echo "Directory exists and file contains the search string"

Using [[:

if [[ -d $dir && $(grep "search_string" "$file") ]]; then
  echo "Directory exists and file contains the search string"

The [[ version is easier to read, doesn't require quotes around variables, and provides a more intuitive syntax for combining conditions.

Comparison Summary

  • Portability: test and [ are more portable since they conform to POSIX standards. [[ is shell-specific (Bash, Zsh, KornShell).
  • Syntax: [[ is easier to work with for complex conditionals due to its advanced syntax and built-in safety against word splitting and globbing issues.
  • Error Handling: [[ offers better error detection, making it safer for scripts that require complex condition handling.


Understanding the differences between test, [, and [[ is crucial for any Bash scripter. While test and [ are older, more portable constructs, [[ offers enhanced capabilities and simplifies many common scripting tasks in Bash. The choice between them depends on your specific needs—whether it's the portability of your script or the desire for more powerful and readable code.

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